Sunday, June 2, 2013

神奇果汁 The Miracle Drink~ ABC Juice

吃太多肉类时会觉得腻,而且不是很健康。那时候我就会很想和这个ABC 果汁,因为这个ABC果汁不但非常健康,而且清甜又好喝!名字是不是很有趣呢? A for apple, B for beetroot and C for carrot. 简单的材料可是它的营养价值非常高。根据研究这个果汁有助于增强免疫力,抵抗癌症,肝和肾病;清肠胃,便秘,瘦身和调节血压等等。果汁是在早上空腹和下午 5pm 前喝效果最好,容易吸收。我家人和“老板” 都爱和有着纤维的果汁,所以用blender准备果汁即方便又健康。

*Tips:如果希望果汁更清香可以滴入一些柠檬汁。也可以混入麦片粉 (e.g. BioGrow Oat BG22)或营养饮料粉类,变成营养早餐饮料。

Health Benefits
The particular blend of fruits and vegetables was named “The Miracle Drink” because it’s known to help the body fight diseases such as cancer, liver disease, pancreas disease and kidney disease.  The juice aids the body in ironing out the kinks in the immune system and the digestive system (detoxifying the body and constipation).  Weight loss, eyesight, menstrual pain, ulcers and bad breath are assisted with this drink.  The lungs and heart are strengthened; high blood pressure can be regulated.  Another positive benefit is restored memory which is noticeable in short amount of time.

The Miracle Drink~ ABC Juice
A for apple, B for beetroot and C for carrot 

 把所有材料切成小颗粒,比较软的水果放在底层, 注入煮过的开水到1L,用 blender 搅成果汁。

The Miracle Drink~ ABC Juice

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