买到了新鲜的椰丝和 pandan 叶后就开工了。
想不到第一个 tart pastry 竟然不是做蛋挞。
椰丝挞 Coconut Tart
材料:(11个)建议:现烤现吃最美味。如果吃不完,待冷后即可收入密封的container,放在冰箱冷藏 (chill)。冷藏可存放至少三天,椰丝挞还是蛮湿润的。
低筋面粉 cake flour 225 g
牛油 140 g 软化
水 2 T
水 200 ml
幼糖 150 g
pandan 叶 4 片 (洗净, 打结)
牛油 15 g
鸡蛋 2 粒 (打散)
baking powder 1/2 tsp
炼奶 1 T
新鲜椰丝 250 g
烧开200ml 水和 pandan 叶至 pandan 叶出味道后加入幼糖。幼糖溶化后即可熄火,倒入碗里溶入15g牛油。
在过筛面粉上,切入片或块状软化牛油。可以用塑胶抹刀切半(如图)或手混合成面包糠状。加入 2T 水,揉成团备用(不要过度搓揉,成团如下图即可)。
先将打散的2 粒鸡蛋,1/2 tsp baking powder,1 T 炼奶和pandan 糖水搅拌均匀后在加入新鲜椰丝 250 g。混合均匀后放在冰箱半小时让椰丝吸收蛋汁。预热烤箱 180 度。
每一个挞皮放 2T 椰丝陷料,不用担心陷料湿湿的,因为烤的时候会蒸发掉。(太多汁或很满可倒掉一些些)
烘烤180 度至椰丝微微焦黄即可。(我的约40分钟,烤箱不一样所需时间会有偏差哦!)
p.s. 如果翻转后椰丝挞不容易脱模可能是蛋汁粘到模具。这时可以左手拿着椰丝挞,稍微翻转倾斜;右手用竹签轻轻插入模型边缘,椰丝挞便会轻轻松松被推出来了。右手要记得及时接住椰丝挞哦,哈哈!^^
Ingredients: (make 11)
Cake flour 225 g (sifted)
butter 140 g (softened, and cut into cubes)
water 2 T
1. Mix the cake flour and butter till the texture similar to bread crumbs.
2. Add in 2T of water and knead into dough. Do not over knead.
3. Divide into 11. lightly press the dough with your thumb into the tart mould, moving upwards from the bottom and clockwise to ensure even crust form. Set aside.
water 200 ml
castor sugar 150 g
pandan leaves 4 (washed and tie into knot)
butter 15 g
Egg 2
Baking powder 1/2 tsp
condense milk 1 T
fresh shredded coconut 250 g
4. Bring 200ml water with pandan leaves to boil. add in sugar, off the heat, melt in the butter. Set aside to cool.
5. beat 2 eggs. Add the egg mixture,baking powder and condense milk into pandan water in step 1, stir well. Fold in the fresh shredded coconut, mix well and set aside in fridge for 30 minutes.
6. pre-heat the oven at 180 deg C.
7. In each tart mould, top up 2 T of shredded coconut fillings. bake at 180 deg C till the shredded coconut fillings turn light golden brown. (approx. 40 mins, but might vary for different oven model)
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